Monday, February 11, 2008

Off late I am standing in the train while travelling :(

Can you believe that even in ladies special train I don't get place to sit till I reach my destination....when all the 12 compartments are only for ladies..

I am tired of this... where I need to stand and come to work and even while going home... Railway authority says they have increased the trains but where are they???? I mean when in each compartment people are hanging, standing, and the rowdies sitting on the roof tops..

I hope I get seat to sit today while going home...


Sunisha said...

You have my total empathy. I remember taking the same train. When it was initially launched, it was a boon in disguise.. hten the inevitable happened.. it was no longer a secret.. The train started becoming a havoc.. boarding it almost became a nightmare... i tried endless permutations and combinations and finally realized that it made no sense to board the first class compartent... second class seemed a much better option. Maybe you should try that.

Neelofer said...

Hey I was told by u that u dnt like typo's so wats thizzzzz:)

Sunisha said...

Well you know what?!.. I was just testing your proofreading skills.. so you pass...

And to check yours:
Hey I was told by u that u dnt like typo's so wats thizzzzz:)

u= you
dnt = didn't
typo's = apostrophe
wats = what's
thizzzz = this
:) = :-)

Neelofer said...

LOL! I am not aiming this blog to become the epitome of english literature but people pouring their heart out :)

Sunisha said...

ERROR!!! but people 'keep' pouring their heart out ... my pleasure to help you out ...:-p

Neelofer said...

ya suniiii now as i told u in the previous post "I am not aiming this blog to become the epitome of english literature" just come and write:)